Friday, August 23, 2013

About Dia-beauty Style

Hi, I’m Emma! I love to pair outfits together. I could do it forever; I basically want to be Rachel Zoe.

This blog is about my personal style but with a twist...

I’ve been a Type 1 diabetic for 2 ½ years. I was diagnosed on February 15, 2011 and it was so depressing but something I knew I just had to deal with. I was on the Pen for about two years and I absolutely hated having bruises all over my body due to the injections. I switched over to the OmniPod in May 2013. I was very unsure about getting the OmniPod because I didn’t want people to see it on my body so I started to come up with new style approaches to make it less noticeable to others. I also threw some of those generic medical accessories to the curb in favor of cuter, more stylish ways to carry all my "diabetes stuff" - from meters to sharps to healthy snacks.

Diabeauty Style is mostly about fashion, but I also hope to help my fellow diabetics with styling their outfits and generally just feeling and looking great.

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