Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What's in my Bag?

In my last post, I mentioned how I was taking Precollege programs at FIT. I thought I would show you what I need/put in my bag that I bring everyday with me to the city. To start off this exciting post, I will show you my bag. My bag is from Gucci and has multiple compartments for me to store my items.
Starting off with the bottom left compartment stores my tinted lip balm from Cover Girl, my headphones, and my house keys. 
In my bottom right compartment, I store my iPod touch, where I study my SAT vocab words on the train sometimes. I also have my iPhone 4s, which holds my life, a pack of gum, and a mini hair comb.
Lastly, in my big pocket, I have my Omnipod/diabetes supplies (obviously a necessity), I have my notebook for note taking, I have my wallet (it has money, train tickets, etc.), my phone charger, my pencil case ( holds all my supplies), and a snack! A snack is so import, especially for diabetics. In case your blood sugar gets low, you'll always have a plan B!

I hope this will be helpful in the future!

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